Self Inflicted Gyaan

Useful Vim Commands

After a search when you have reached the first match gets you back to where you were before searching.
set expandtab
You have managed to get your code to look pretty with extensive use of tabs. Converts the tab spaces in the code to equivalent spaces.
Sorts line numbers x to y alphabetically.
When in visual block select mode(ctrl+v), changes the case of selected text.

zf#j creates a fold from the cursor down # lines.
zf/string creates a fold from the cursor to string .
zj moves the cursor to the next fold.
zk moves the cursor to the previous fold.
zo opens a fold at the cursor.
zO opens all folds at the cursor.
zm increases the fold-level by one.
zM closes all open folds.
zr decreases the foldlevel by one.
zR decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open.
zd deletes the fold at the cursor.
zE deletes all folds.
[z move to start of open fold.
]z move to end of open fold.

Regexes for converting Verilog port declaration to VHDL:
%s/input\s\+\[\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)]\s\+\(\w\+\)/\3\t\t:IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(\1 downto \2)/g
%s/input\s\+\(\w\+\)/\1\t\t:IN STD_LOGIC/g

From VHDL to verilog:


mishrav's shared items